
The Low Whisper that Brings Mercy, 1 Kings 19:9-18, Mark 9:2-8

What does Elijah meeting the Lord at Mt. Sinai and Jesus’ transfiguration have in common? Why is it important that the Lord isn’t in the wind, the earthquake, the fire? Why is it a low whisper? Father Jeremiah reflects on these questions

Photo by form PxHere. Public Domain.

Fulfilling the Past to Bring the Future, Matthew 14:13-21

Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 is more than a mere event in the his ministry. Jesus is fulfilling many events of God feeding his people and caring for them from the Old Testament. With that we discover that there is a greater fulfillment to this feeding to be found at the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Image: Jesus Feeding the Multitude, Gustave Doré, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Transfiguration and Us, Luke 9:28-36

There are so many layers to the Transfiguration that it is hard to comprehend how glorious it really was. Many aspects of it are recalling various events in the Old Testament, especially the cloud overshadowing them out of which God the Father speaks. All of this is to direct our eyes to Jesus alone so that we will know the reality fo salvation in our lives.

Image: Portable icon with the Transfiguration of Christ, Byzantine artwork. License: Louvre Museum, CC BY 2.5 <>, via Wikimedia Commons Location: