Matthew 14

Jesus Amidst the Chaos, Matthew 14:22-33

As the disciples are caught in the wind and the crashing waves of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus comes to them. What does Jesus reveal as he lets them know it is him? Why does Peter suddenly want to come out upon these crashing waves? Why does he begin to sink? Father Jeremiah explains today that in the chaos, Jesus is able to give us grace to come to him and to respond to us in our deepest needs.

image: Peter Walking on Water Icon, picture taken by Ted, license: CC BY-SA 2.0 (no changes made). Location:

Fulfilling the Past to Bring the Future, Matthew 14:13-21

Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 is more than a mere event in the his ministry. Jesus is fulfilling many events of God feeding his people and caring for them from the Old Testament. With that we discover that there is a greater fulfillment to this feeding to be found at the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Image: Jesus Feeding the Multitude, Gustave Doré, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons