
The Fruit of God's Vineyard, Matthew 21:33-44

As we hear the Parable of the Wicked Tenants, our hearts should be drawn to the conclusion in which the wicked are cast out for those who will provide the fruit to the master. We are called to good works by the power of the Holy Spirit, works that the Father has prepared beforehand for us. How do we respond to these called out of us works? Do we resist? Or do we receive the work of the Spirit to enable us to fulfill God’s callings upon us?

Image: The Red Vineyard or Red Vineyard at Arles, Vincent van Gogh, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

Vineyards and Vocations, Matthew 20:1-16

The Master of the vineyard is free to reward and give to his workers as he pleases. In his freedom to do that, the workers are freed to do their work with no fear of not receiving good things from the master. Likewise for us, we are free to work in our vocations because God has given us the Kingdom and made us partakers of it through Jesus Christ.

Image: Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, by Meester Van Antwerpan. Public Domain. Image location:

True Joy in the True Vine, John 15:1-11

Jesus tells his disciples that he is the true vine and that we are all branches off of him. What does this mean for our life? How does this reshape our entire Christian lives? Father Jeremiah guides us through this passage from John 15.

Image: From, free for commercial use. image location: