
The Spirit Given by Jesus, 1 Corinthians 12:4-13, John 14:8-17

What is the purpose of giving the Holy Spirit to the disciples and to us? The Spirit calls gives gifts that are to be used for the good of the Church and to make Jesus known through those gifts! Father Jeremiah explains this in his latest sermon.

image: Tongues of fire descend on the apostles at Pentecost. Lithograph, See page for author, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons. Image Location: Original location:

Wind and Fire and Jubilee, Acts 2.1-21


The Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost, which is a Jewish feast. Why did He descend on that particular day? Father Jeremiah walks through this unique coming of the Holy Spirit during a very particular Jewish festival and the way that He came reflecting the actions of God in the Old Testament.

image: The Holy Spirit Initiates the Pentecost, Engraving by A. Mochetti after N. Poussin (?), Public Domain. Image location:

Founded in the Spirit, Acts 2.1-21, John 14.8-17


As the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples on the first Pentecost of the Church, we ask why he came to dwell with and in the disciples. What did they immediately begin doing? Was it all about them speaking in different languages or was there a supreme purpose for that “tongue-speaking” on that Pentecost Sunday? Father Jeremiah explores these questions and helps us to understand the foundational role of the Spirit in our lives.

Image: Tongues of fire descend on the Apostles at Pentecost, Lithog, License: CC BY ( Found at No changes made, see link for author

Greater Works, John 14.8-17


Guest preacher Jonathan McClure takes us through John 14.8-17. He shows us that our own impatience can blind us to Jesus being amongst us as he truly is. When we miss who we have and what we have in Jesus, we must look to what the Father has promised us in Jesus to bring our eyes back to Jesus. In doing that, we will see how Jesus displays the Father to us, realize that Jesus is working through us, and that Jesus provides the helper we need.

Image: Stain glass from Queen’s College, Oxford, by Abraham van Linge, c. 1635. Photo taken by Lawrence OP. Used under license CC BY-NC 2.0. Location:

Knowing the Holy Spirit


 On Pentecost nearly two thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Church. Who is this person that the Father and Son have given to the church? Why does he do what he does and what is it that he has come to do? Listen now to find out more about all of this from Father Jeremiah.

Image: Heilige Dreifaltigkeit by Andrej Rublev [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons