1 Kings 19

The Low Whisper that Brings Mercy, 1 Kings 19:9-18, Mark 9:2-8

What does Elijah meeting the Lord at Mt. Sinai and Jesus’ transfiguration have in common? Why is it important that the Lord isn’t in the wind, the earthquake, the fire? Why is it a low whisper? Father Jeremiah reflects on these questions

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A Tale of Two Mountains, 1 Kings 19.9-18, Mark 9.2-9


Elijah went up on a mountain to meet Yahweh, where he found the voice of God in a thin whisper. Peter, James, and John went up a mountain with Jesus and witnessed something beyond imagining. When all was done, though, what were they left with? Was it only the experience or something greater than any experience to be known this side of eternity?