
The King who Came is Coming, Matthew 24:29-44

How does Christ’s judging Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD and his future return affect us today? Father Jeremiah reflects upon this and how Christ’s previous coming and his future coming gives us hope for today that he will come to us through Word and Sacrament.

Image: The Falling Stars, from pg 323 of Bible Readings of the Home Circle located at www.projectgutenburg.org. Image location: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/34520/pg34520-images.html#id-6453421722991906772

It's the End of the World, Mark 13.14-23


It’s the end of the World and the end of the age. How does this relate to us today? Jesus tells his disciples about judgment in Mark 13 and it’s coming to Jerusalem. We stand in awe in light of how this prophecy came to pass.

Image by: Jan van Eyck [Public domain]; Location: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Van_Eyck_-_The_Crucifixion;_The_Last_Judgment.jpg