
The Old Testament Trinity, Genesis 1:1-2:3, Matthew 28:16-20

The Trinity is a mystery and yet, something that has been revealed since the beginning. It is not an abstract doctrine created by the New Testament, but is the reality of God, revealed throughout the Old Testament. It is merely made crystal clear in the New Testament.

Image: See page for author, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lift Up Your Heads, O Gates, Psalm 24


Psalm 24 is most likely a reflection of the Ark of the Covenant being brought into Jerusalem after David had conquered the city. Yet, it also becomes something more in light of Jesus’ coming into this world and his return at the end. What do we hear in this psalm that can lead us into opening wide the gates when Jesus returns?

Image: Entry of David into Jerusalem, by Frans Francken the Younger. (Public Domain) Location: