Contrite heart

Blessings and Woes for the Deceitful Heart, Jeremiah 17:5-10, Luke 6:17-26, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Psalm 1

In our lessons today, we have heard much about blessings and curses based on the one you trust. We often think that the only thing that matters is having trust, but the reality is that your trust is only as good as the one in whom you trust is placed. On top of that, we have to contend with a deceitful heart! What is one to do? Father Jeremiah takes us through these passages from Jeremiah 17.5-10, Psalm 1, Luke 6.17-26, and 1 Corinthians 15. 12-20 to help us understand where we are going in this world.

Image: The Sermon on the Mount, Gustave Doré. Public Domain. Location:

The Holy One Dwells with His People, Isaiah 57:14-21


Grace Anglican welcomes guest preacher, David Moody today! In his sermon from Isaiah 57, he shows us that while Yahweh is truly the holy one, he comes to dwell with us and heal us. That dwelling and healing is found in Jesus Christ himself and we are called to faith to receive this reality that God is working into us!

Image: Crowds gather as Christ heals sick people, Engraving by T. Phillibrown after B. West, Public Domain. Location: