Praying for Us Now, John 17.1-11


In the first part of the Lord’s High Priestly Prayer, Jesus acknowledges his desire to bring glory to the Father by the Father bringing glory to the Son and for the Father to protect his disciples after he returns to the Father in the Ascension. While Jesus is focused on praying for his disciples, these first verses remind us of the reality that Jesus is our high priest and is praying for us now.

Image: orazione nell'orto, by Jörg Arzt and workshop of Jörg Arzt. Used under CC BY-SA 4.0. No changes made. Location:örg_artz,_pittore_di_scuola_danubiana_e_aiuti,_ante_di_altare_,_1571,_da_vigo_di_fassa,_orazione_nell%27orto_02.jpg